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Hike/Community Cleanup
Hike/Clean Up Monte de São Bartolomeu 2450-216 NazaréMeet us in the parking lot at Monte de São Bartolomeu at 9:30am. We will walk/hike to the top of the mountain and collect trash on the way down. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes. Gloves, trash bags, water and snacks will be provided. Come help us keep our community treasures clean and safe.
Mercado Medieval de Óbidos
Castelo de Obidos R. dos Arrifes 3, 2510-074 ÓbidosOur next big event is the Óbidos Medieval Festival between 21st and 31st July. This is a fantastic festival full of colour, music and entertainment. Silver Coast Volunteers will have a "Taverna" at this event. The Tavern is called "Costa Da Prata" If you want to volunteer please email us at silvercoastvolunteers@gmail.com or Support us […]